Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Douglas Nature of the Everglades

"Nothing anywhere else is like them: their vast glittering openness, wider than the enormous visible round of the horizon, the racing free saltiness and sweetness of their massive winds, under the dazzling blue heights of space." (Douglas 104)

In this quote she really puts the emphases on the beauty that the everglades hold. She describes it as if it were one the the prettiest things to see in the world. She describes it so well that I can picture exactly what they look like in my mind. Many places are not able to hold the beauty that the everglades have even though many people have intruded on them. The everglades will always be known as one the the nicest and most memorable places to see.

"The truth of the river is the grass. They call it saw grass. Yet in the botanical sense it is not grass at all so much as fierce, ancient, cutting sedge. It is one of the oldest of the green growing forms in this world." (Douglas 108)

This saw grass plays an important part in this ecosystem just as all the other things play a part and help sustain the ecosystem. Every part of this ecosystem depends on another so that it can survive. The everglades has the greatest concentration of saw grass in the world. I feel that we must help protect this plant if we want the everglades to survive and continue to hold it beautiful green grass.

"The men who make maps draw lines across seas and deserts and mountains and equatorial rain forests to show where the Temperate Zone is cut off sharply from the middle of the equatorial belt. But the sea and the land and the winds do not always recognize that rigidity. Nor do southern Florida and the Everglades." (Douglas 112)

Many people think they can find out everything about nature but in reality nature has so many elements that we will never fully grasp what nature is. There are so many components that work together and find any possible way to stay alive. We should always try and find knew things about nature because it is very fascinating. To me the everglades is one of the nicest places to go visit in Florida.

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